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Demand For Indemnity From Connecting Carrier


Date: [Date of notice]

[First Name of person being notified] [Last Name of person being notified]
[Title of person being notified]
[Company of person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of person being notified]:

On [date of shipment], we delivered to you a shipment of freight consisting of [describe goods], under through bill of lading no. [Bill of lading number], issued by us as the initial carrier and naming as consignor and as consignee.

The goods so shipped having disappeared while in transit on your line, the consignor brought suit against us for that loss, in Court, [Name of Court] Term, No. [Term Number], of [Court date]. In that litigation, the consignor obtained a judgment, rendered pursuant to [Citation of local enactment of UCC $ 7-302 (1)], against us in the amount of $ [Amount of judgement] Dollars, on the theory that we, as initial carrier, were liable for the loss sustained on your line.

On [Date of payment], we paid, in full satisfaction of the judgment and all costs and expenses due in connection with such judgment, the total amount of $ [Amount paid for judgement] Dollars. Our total losses and expenses in this matter are here itemized:

[Itemization of loss 1].............................. $ [Amount 1]
[Itemization of loss 2].............................. $ [Amount 2]
[Itemization of loss 3].............................. $ [Amount 3]
[Itemization of loss 4].............................. $ [Amount 4]

Total .......................................... $ [Total Amount]

We demand that you indemnify us promptly for the total amount of our loss, as set forth above, in accordance with the provisions of [Citation of local enactment of UCC $ 7-302 (3)].

Very truly yours

[Name of initial carrier]

[Signature of authorized officer]